2025年03月07日 Friday



  1. Xiaoan Zuo, Shenglong Zhao, Huan Cheng, Ya Hu, Shaokun Wang, Ping Yue, Rentao Liu, Alan K. Knapp, Melinda D. Smith, Qiang Yu, Sally E. Koerner. Functional diversity response to geographic and experimental precipitation gradients varies with plant community type. Functional Ecology. 2021, 35 (9): 2119-2132.
  2. Xiaoan Zuo, Wei Mao, Hao Qu, Min Chen, Shenglong Zhao, Lianxu Liu, Shaokun Wang, Ping Yue, Xujun Ma, Xueyong Zhao, Eduardo Medina-Roldan, Ginger R, H. Allington. Scale effects on spatial heterogeneity of herbaceous vegetation in desert steppe depend on plant community type. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 127 (107769):1-8.
  3. Heqiang Du, Sen Li, Nicholas P. Webb, Xiaoan Zuo, Xuyang Liu. Soil organic carbon (SOC) enrichment in aeolian sediments and SOC loss by dust emission in the desert steppe, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 798 (149189) :1-11.
  4. Shaokun Wang, Xiaoan Zuo, Tala Awada, Eduardo Medima-Roldán, Keting Feng, Ping Yue, Jie Lian, Shenglong Zhao, Huan Cheng. Changes of soil bacterial and fungal community structure along a natural aridity gradient in desert grassland ecosystems, Inner Mongolia. Catena. 2021, 205 (105470):1-10
  5. Hao Qu, Xueyong Zhao, Shaokun Wang, Jie Lian, Xia Tang, Xinyuan Wang, Rui Zhang, Eduardo Medina-Roldánd. Abiotic factors affect leaf litter mass loss more strongly than initial litter traits under sand burial conditions. Catena. 2021, 196 (104900):1-9.
  6. Peng Lv, Shanshan Sun, Eduardo Medina-Roldan, Shenglong Zhao, Ya Hu, Aixia Guo,Xiaoan Zuo. Soil net nitrogen transformation rates are co-determined by multiple factors during the landscape evolution in Horqin Sandy Land. Catena, 2021, 206 (105576):1-9.
  7. Ping Yue, Xiaoqing Cui, Wenchao Wu, Yanming Gong, Kaihui Li, Tom Misselbrook, Xuejun Liu. Are annual nitrous oxide fluxes sensitive to warming and increasing precipitation in the Gurbantunggut Desert? Land Degradation & Development, 2021. 32 (3): 1213-1223.
  8. Ping Yue, Xiaoqing Cui, Xiaoan Zuo, Kaihui Li,Shaokun Wang, Yangyang Jia,Tom Misselbrook, Xuejun Liu. The contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to ecosystem respiration and methane flux in an ephemeral plant dominated desert. Land Degradation and Development, 2021, 32:1844-1853.
  9. Ping Yue, Xiaoan Zuo , Kaihui Li , Xiaoqing Cui, Shaokun Wang , Tom Misselbrook, Xuejun Liu. The driving effect of nitrogen-related functional microorganisms underwater and nitrogen addition on N2O emission in a temperate desert. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,772 (145470):1-8.
  10. Peng Lv, Shanshan Sun, Eduardo Medina-Roldánd, Shenglong Zhao, Ya Hu, Aixia Guo, Xiaoan Zuo. Effects of habitat types on the dynamic changes in allocation in carbon and nitrogen storage of vegetation–soil system in sandy grasslands: How habitat types affect C and N allocation? Ecology and Evolution, 2021;00:1-13.
  11. Xiangyun Li, Xiaoan Zuo, Ping Yue, Xueyong Zhao, Ya Hu, Xinxin Guo, Aixia Guo, Chong Xu, Qiang Yu. Drought of early time in growing season decreases community aboveground biomass, but increases belowground biomass in a desert steppe. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 21(106):1-13.
  12. Shenglong Zhao, Tonghui Zhang, Ping Yue, Peng Lv,Ya Hu, Eduardo Medina-Roldánd, Xiaoan Zuo.     Increased grazing intensities induce differentiation of the relationships between functional traits and aboveground plant biomass in community in desert steppe shrub- and grass-dominated. Ecological Research      2021, 1–13.
  13. Min Chen, Xue-Yong Zhao, Xiao-An Zuo, Shao-Kun Wang, Hao Qu, Yue Ping, Xu-Jun Ma, Liang-Xu Liu. Comparative effects of pollen limitation, floral traits and pollinators on reproductive success of Hedysarum scoparium Fisch. et Mey. in different habitats. BMC Plant Biology. 2021, 21:426.
  14. Huan Cheng, Yuanbo Gong, Xiaoan Zuo. Precipitation Variability Affects Aboveground Biomass Directly and Indirectly via Plant Functional Traits in the Desert Steppe of Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12 (1310):1-14.
  15. Taofeek O. Muraina, Chong Xu, Qiang Yu, Yadong Yang, Minghui Jing, Xiaotong Jia, Md. Shahariar Jaman, Quockhanh Dam, Alan K. Knapp, Scott L. Collins, Yiqi Luo, Wentao Luo, Xiaoan Zuo, Xiaoping Xin, Xingguo Han, Melinda D. Smith. Species asynchrony stabilises productivity under extreme drought across Northern China grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 2021, 109:1665–1675.
  16. Wentao Luo, Robert J. Griffin-Nolan, Wang Ma, Bo Liu, Xiaoan Zuo, Chong Xu, Qiang Yu,Yahuang Luo, Pierre Mariotte, Melinda D. Smith,Scott L. Collins, Alan K. Knapp, Zhengwen Wang, Xingguo Han. Plant traits and soil fertility mediate productivity losses under extreme drought in C-3 grasslands. Ecology, 2021, 102(10): e03465.
  17. Ping Yue, Xiaoan Zuo, Kaihui Li, Xiangyun Li, Shaokun Wang, Tom Misselbrook. Precipitation changes regulate the annual methane uptake in a temperate desert steppe. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 804(150172):1-8. (待刊)
  18. Ping Yue, Xiaoan Zuo, Kaihui Li, Xiangyun Li, Shaokun Wang,  Xujun Ma, Hao Qu, Min Chen, Liangxu Liu, Tom Misselbrook, Qiang Yu. Responses of ecosystem respiration, methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission to drought in a temperate desert steppe. Plant and Soil, 2021, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11104-021-05183-6. (待刊)
  19. Ping Yue, Xiaoan Zuo, Kaihui Li, Xiangyun Li, Shaokun Wang, Tom Misselbrook.  No significant change noted in annual nitrous oxide flux under precipitation changes in a temperate desert steppe. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/ldr.4131. (待刊)
  20. Xinxin Guo, Xiaoan Zuo, Ping Yue, Xiangyun Li, Ya Hu, Min Chen, Qiang Yu. Direct and indirect effects of precipitation change and nutrients addition on desert steppe productivity in Inner Mongolia, northern China. Plant and Soil. 2021. (待刊)
  21. 郭新新,左小安,岳平,李香云,赵生龙,吕朋,胡亚. 内蒙古荒漠草原沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)、碱韭(Allium polyrhizum)和骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)叶形态性状对土壤水氮耦合的响应.中国沙漠, 2021,41(01):137-144.
  22. 张晶,左小安.沙质草地植物功能性状对放牧、增水、氮添加及其耦合效应的响应机制. 生态学报, 2021,41(18):7153-7167.
  23. 刘利平,刘良旭,连杰,卢建男,王国林. 河套绿洲土地覆盖类型变化特征及驱动因素. 中国沙漠, 2021, 41(5): 210-218.



  1. 曲浩, 左小安, 廖杰, 刘良旭. 水资源承载力监控装置. 2021-2-26,  ZL202022079942.7. (实用新型)
  2. 曲浩, 李莹, 吴晶, 曹辉. 草畜业水资源回收装置. 2021-1-8, ZL202022081478.5. (实用新型)
  3. 刘良旭,云建英,王少昆,曲浩,陈敏,马旭君,岳平. 一种便携式简易手持光谱仪支架. 2021-12-14, ZL 202121508969.1. (实用新型)
  4. 刘良旭. 一种用于干旱区雨水回收利用的灌溉系统. 2021-12-07, ZL 202121294195.7. (实用新型)


  1. 2021年,陈敏副研究员入选中科院“西部青年学者”;
  2. 吕朋博士和胡亚博士获得了2020-2021年度中国科学院大学“三好学生”称号,孙姗姗硕士研究生获得中国科学院“优秀毕业生”称号。